The Peninsula Mission Community Church started almost 14 years ago as a "Church Plant". The term “Church Plant” is a strange phrase; two words that seemingly do not go together. It conjures an image of someone sticking tiny buildings with steeples in the ground. Unfortunately, we often picture a church as a building, something static, not alive. The Bible’s view of a church, however, is of a living, growing, dynamic organism. The church, in the original language of the Bible, is not a building, but people; a “called-out assembly.” If we can begin to see a church like a cell -- a simple, living organism capable of growth and reproduction, it is much easier to understand the nature of a "Church Plant." At our inception, we believed that starting or planting a church is a normal and natural part of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. This "grass-roots" community has enabled us to fulfill Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18-20).